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Determined to make a feature documentary, first-time filmmaker John Beder, turned to his past as a musician to try and understand how and why we experience performance anxiety. Tapping his roots in classical music John asked musicians from orchestras around the country to share their wisdom and experiences addressing stage fright. Through persistence and a brave cast of artists John found musicians willing to share an open and honest conversation.

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Musician and film maker John Beder discusses his documentary Composed, his mission to help eliminate stage fright for musicians, and how he is marketing, promoting, and selling the film.

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • Composed
  • Performance anxiety
  • Common performance anxiety myths
  • You are not alone if you experience performance anxiety
  • How little performance anxiety is dealt with in our training
  • Watch Composed on Vimeo
  • Working through The Dip
  • Marketing the film
  • Selling our art
  • Marketing is a dialogue
  • Relying on the network
  • Social media & Composed website
  • Have conversations
  • Believe in what you’re making
  • Set deadlines


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